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Friday, May 21, 2021

 May 21, 2021

Just a few picture updates from the farm.

We changed out the guards on the fruit trees.  The mulch below the black guards that we cut, seemed to be very warm when the sun was shining on it, and I was concerned that it might produce too much heat for the new trees.  We bought the new guards from Starks, and they seem to be a much better fit.  If you look beyond the fruit trees, you will notice the new support poles for the grape arbor.
So the grapes came in, and we got them all in the ground.

The remaining thing to do, is put up the support wiring, and tie them in.  That is our 10 Concord grape arbor.
Hope you all have a perfect weekend!


  1. You have been very busy! The white guards are a much better idea. Looking forward to seeing those grape vines crawling along the support wires. Once they get going, they grow fast.

    1. We can’t wait to see them grow, either! Do you have any grapes at your homestead? We had several varieties of muscadine grapes in Fl, so I guess we just love the things that can be made from grapes. Crazy, but true! Do get a perfect weekend, Rosalea!

    2. There are a couple of varieties that are supposed to be hardy to our hardiness zone, and I've thought of it, you can be sure! Right now, I'm thinking Goji berries. I had a lovely grape vine growing across the verandah at our previous home, and it provided shade and fruit.

  2. It looks so good! It will be fun seeing how it all grows over the years.

    1. Thanks Leigh! We are hoping it gives us years of bounty, but then isn’t it always the way! Lol. I don’t know if it’s been dry for you, but it is really dry here, with no rain forecast. Schleppling water has become my new least until we get the new IBC tote watering set up. Thanks so much for stopping by!

  3. Replies
    1. Thanks R’s Rue! Thanks a lot for stopping by!
