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Friday, May 13, 2022

 May 13, 2022

We are having fantastic weather, here on the ridge!  Thought I would update on the garden, and some of the beauty we are surrounded with!

Two beds of sugar snap peas are looking great!

Trying a new variety of bush cucumber this year, but still have some picklers planted, too.  

Potatoes are doing a perfect job of filling up a trough 

Zucchini and yellow squash are in the ground and happy.

The troughs are all peaceful and growing!

Put up my Christmas brandy, and really glad to get that in the closet to brew.

This morning porch sittin, coffee drinkin, birds chirping, and blessed beyond measure! 

Almost forgot to mention that we got the sweet potato squash in the ground and will post the progress soon!

Get out and do some porch sittin!  Have a perfect weekend, y’all!


  1. Okay, progress on being able to make a comment! Apparently, it's Google's own browser that is the problem. If I use a non-chrome browser, I can comment!

    I love your trough garden. It always looks so neat and productive.

    Would you share your recipe for your flavored brandies with us? Looks like a nice idea for gifts or festive occasions.

  2. Sittin' out there now, listening to the birds. Finally, a lovely, gentle rain is falling! Your troughs look so neat and tidy. I am envious! Love your green vistas.
